This research was an investigation of the assessment and profile of anaerobic characteristics of children, aged 6-12-years. It involved a series of four studies. The first of these studies examined the effects of varying resistances on the power outputs of children performing the Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT). The second study examined the extent to which children (6-12-yr-old) varied in their performance of power ouputs during WAnTs. A need for identifying the variability of children's performances was perceived to be necessary for accurate interpretation of test results. In this study an additional investigation examined the extent to which variability of performance was affected by a computerized game which provided on-screen performance feedback from the child's pedal frequency during the WAnTs. The third study investigated anaerobic performances by measuring the anaerobic capacity in males and females aged approximately eleven years. The anaerobic capacity of children was examined using the accumulated oxygen deficit method (Medbo et al., 1988). In this study the maximal anaerobic capacity of children was determined from bicycle ergometer tests against constant power resistances representing 110, 130, and 150 relative percent of peak oxygen uptake. The fourth study extended the investigations of the anaerobic capacity of children using the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit method, with male and female children of approximately 11 years of age using an isokinetic, rather than constant power, mode on a bicycle ergometer.