The sport industry makes important economic and social contributions to Australia. Within the sport industry there is a range of venues that are used by not-forprofit sport associations for training and competitions. This research addresses the need to understand how sport venues and sport associations manage their relationships so more positive relationships can be developed. The aims of the research were to i) understand the constructs that underpin these sport relationships, and ii) identify the mutually beneficial outcomes achieved from these relationships. Literature from relationship marketing, education partnerships, and health and community service partnerships were used to guide the research because these three bodies of literature contribute perspectives that include commercial, community and not-for-profit relationships. Initially, a qualitative study explored the relevance of 27 relationship constructs identified in the literature. The outcomes of the qualitative study were used to inform a survey of Victorian sport associations and indoor sport venues to identify the constructs that influenced their relationships and to identify the outcomes associated with these relationships. The main findings of the research identified that, although the relationships were viewed by all respondents as being important, little effort was put into the management of the relationships. Sport venues and associations that were communicating effectively, had established trust, had appropriate facility and equipment, practiced leadership, had shared goals / values, were cooperative, were committed to the relationship and provided quality services were able to achieve positive outcomes. These outcomes contributed to better internal operations such as solving problems and increasing usage, as well as external outcomes such as building a sense of community ownership and pride, and improving communication networks. Sport venues and sport associations that are better at managing the key relationship constructs are better able to meet the needs of their sporting community as well as, address wider community goals. A focus on collaborative relationships and the key relationship constructs assists sport venues and sport associations to generate positive outcomes. The research results provide impetus for state and local governments, and community sport associations to consider how sport venues work with sport associations.