The studies that comprise this thesis were undertaken to obtain further information on ammonia/ammonium (NH3) metabolism during submaximal exercise and how it might be influenced by (1) exercise intensity and duration, (2) carbohydrate ingestion and (3) branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) feeding. A total of 25 subjects participated in these three studies. The first study utilised active, untrained subjects who cycled at approximately 38 and 70% peak oxygen consumption (V02peak) for 40 min. These workrates represented low intensity (LI) and moderate intensity (MI) exercise, respectively. The other studies involved endurance trained cyclists or triathletes. The second study required subjects to cycle at approximately 65% V02peak for 120 min with, or without, the ingestion of carbohydrate. In the BCAA study, subjects cycled for 60 min at 70% V02peak with, or without, prior BCAA supplementation. In all trials blood samples were taken from a forearm vein and analysed for metabolites and insulin. Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest and during exercise. These samples were subsequently analysed for various metabolites.