The primary aim of this study was to ascertain the biomechanical mechanisms or reasons for the high rate of falling behaviour exhibited by the elderly adult female population in terrain containing surface height changes. As such, this study specifically; (1) focused upon elderly and young adult females;(2) examined the gait adjustments (spatio-temporal characteristics) made to approach (over distance) and accommodate (descend and ascend) terrain representative of a single step, kerb or door threshold (height: 15 cm). The walkways employed in this investigation consisted of a raised surface or platform fixed to a 22 m level walkway. In the ascent task, the raised surface was 9 m long, whereas in the descent task the raised surface was 15 m long; (3) ascertained the effect of walking velocity ("hurrying") upon a person's ability to safely accommodate this terrain. Walking velocities were comfortable and fast; and, (4) employed a multiple camera setup to record the participants' motion along the walkway.