Culture involves a confluence between beliefs and values, customs and traditions, symbols and expressions, hopes and aspirations that human beings, in their various collectives, inherit and embody as their source of identity and meaning. Geographically removed from their cultural place or context, migrants undergo the shock of displacement and confront the possibility of losing their identity and sense of meaning. They carry their culture with them. However, it is cut-off from its roots and support system. It is also enveloped by a new, more powerful and dominant culture. It may no longer be capable of providing them with the identity and meaning that was possible in the homeland. The Vietnamese diaspora experience is of particular interest since the physical and emotional trauma accompanying migration contributes to a strong sense of common origin, history and culture. This common experience of the Vietnamese migrants (Viet kieu) raises interesting questions about their views of the world generally, and in particular about their country of origin. Decisions to travel to the former homeland may be prompted by a desire to maintain Vietnamese identity and meaning, thereby enabling travellers to maintain a degree of normality and to adapt better in the new society. In the present study the researcher is interested in the relationship between Viet kieu culture and travel behaviour.