Signal processing is a technique that is used to gather data from real world and make sense of it. For some time, engineers have attempted to develop electronic systems able to extract and process the real world signals and turn them into useful data. Initially this development was done using analog technology. However, since the digital signal processor has developed rapidly due to integrated circuit (IC) technology over the past 20 years, engineers have turned to digital signal processing as a more advanced and convenient method [1]. Data acquisition (DAQ) systems are, therefore, inevitably necessary, as they are the interface between analog and digital world. They have become crucial in a wide range of applications, including biomedical research, geophysics, gravitation measurements, telecommunication, power fault analysis, manufacturing process control and a wide variety of other test/measurement intensive fields. The primary objective of this research is to design and implement a reconfigurable DAQ system on a single IC for a multi-channel, high-speed, high accuracy microprocessor-based relay for power system protection application; for multi-channel, low-power biomedical instrumentation application and any multi-rate signal systems, e.g. process control application.