Checked Sherpa, no publication info found. 27/10/10 HD. - Not yet registered on Sherpa. Information re: institutional repository is Embargo period of 2 years post publication applies then authors can freely distribute articles. - ISSN 2218-7138 added 29/10/10 Keis Ohtsuka. 11/8/2011 By Keis Ohtsuka 1. Abstract PDF update which now includes the page number, the volume number etc. - due to the update occurred the publisher website. 2. Author's obsolete homepage URL removed. 3. Publisher webpage URL added. Keis' Comments: re: duplicates noted earlier - I suspect that it might be automatically created in relation to HERDS data collection. It was already on VUIR before the HERDS data collection was carried out in 2011. Not a Dup. this is a later version of 15879 (2010) & 15899 (2011). author's note "The deposited item includes minor changes regarding the journal abstract ...." see author's e-mail in DocStore 12.08.11-MMM. Deleted dup ID15879 (self-submitted), also del dup 7101 & added ResPubID21310, changed ISSN to 2195-3007, changed rel url from to, Uploaded abstract from dup 15899, 15.3.13-MMM added link to library catalogue where v.1,no 1 is available in full-text Lyn 30/8/13 Now available as open access on Springer. Official URL replaced link to VU catalogue, and fulltext made 'visible to repository staff' at request of author. Lyn 14/3/14. Added new official URL and moved former official url to related also removed fulltext 'visible to repository staff alltogether as per request from author (Keis) and consultation with Lyn, 10.7.14-MMM. Supporting documentation added to dark upload - HD 30/5/18. Dup id 36838 deleted, LL 24/10/18 Corrected URL, LL 28/8/19. -- Publisher Permission Form was sent never came back as a signed document. Unsigned Permission Form added to Dark Archive 12.08.2020-MMM. -- Generic Permission Form added to Dark Archive 19.10.20-MMM.