It is clear from previous research that a variety of biological, psychological and environmental characteristics represent modest risk factors for the development of chronic conduct problems in children. Disturbances in emotional functioning in particular have been implicated in children's disruptive behaviour disorders at almost every level of analysis. In spite of this, emotional disturbances have not typically been regarded as core features of children's conduct problems and the considerable overlap between affective- and conduct disordered symptoms in this diagnostic group remains poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to examine empirically the extent to which affective disturbances might be implicated in the persistent pattern of disruptive behaviour exhibited by many children diagnosed with conduct- or oppositional defiant disorder. The role of affective irritability and dysphoria, and pessimism in mediating these children's perception of the social environment was of particular interest. A cross-sectional methodology was utilised comparing clinical and non-clinical groups on emotional characteristics and functioning as assessed by the Rorschach Inkblot Test.