The history of children's services development in the west of Melbourne is one of ongoing challenges and constant change. It is a history which emphasises the pivotal role of women - both paid and unpaid - in establishing services at the local level, in grasping opportunities where they were perceived to exist and in striving to influence public policy at a state and federal level. This history also highlights the significance of regional organisations and processes and the primary role of local government in responding to community needs. As part of the Crow Collection's project on children's services in the western region, funded by the Reichstein Foundation, this paper presents an overview of factors influencing the development of children's services in the west of Melbourne. It also identifies areas of challenge for the future. The paper primarily focuses on developments in the field of children's services since the 1970s. By this time it had become clear that the family could no longer be viewed as a private unit, isolated from societal concern. Changes in family structure, member roles and attitudes; increased paid workforce participation by women; ethnic diversity and altering attitudes to disability, indicated that public policy initiatives were required which supported family units in their responsibilities relating to children.