Two handbooks published in April this year herald in the turning point in the provision of family support services. "Who Cares? Family Problems, Community Links and Other Helping Services" has been written by Jean McCaughey, Sheila Shaver, Helen Farber and others (published by Sun Books for the Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research, University of Melbourne). "Community Child Care Manual" has been written by Winsome McCaughey Patricia Sebastian and others (published by Greenhouse Publications for Community Child Care, 67 Brunswick Street Fitzroy). The direct connection between these two publications was given spontaneous recognition. This fact has been shown by the number of letters published in the Age during the first weeks of April ... letters from Jean Miller(Community Child Care), Jan Cropley (Noble Park), Margaret Pickering (Dear Park), Ann Morrow (Malvern). All of the letters commended the "Who cares?" report on its emphasis on the need for a network of family support services.