This issue contains major speeches from the gathering to honour the life and work of Ruth Crow, on May 21, 1999(speeches by John Dick and Jack Crow are not reprinted as they are already available in print in the booklet of tributes Tomorrow is a Glorious Day). Inside the cover wrapper reprinted is the obituary from the Australian Newspaper, written by Ann Morrow and others. CONTENTS: Page: 3. Julius Roe - Ruth's contribution to political theory: her involvement with the CPA & the New Left 4. Anne Sgro - Ruth & the Union of Australian Women 4. John Weickhardt - Ruth's work in North Melbourne, especially for the North Melbourne Association 5. Tom Nicholson - Bridging the generations : Coming to know Ruth thru activism 6. Louise Glanville - Ruth's influence : Lessons for us today 7. Julie Crow - My Mother : Ruth Hope Crow 8. More on Royal Park 9. Speakers from the floor & ordering extra copies of Tomorrow is a Glorious Day. 10. Seeds for Change Seminar & AGM - Saturday July 17 - Register now 11. Information from the Public Transport Users Association