This issue of the newsletter reprints two sections from the 1990 Women's Charter, one on Women and the Rural Environment and the other on Women and Sport. Ideas on children and adventure playgrounds are also included to place the extract on Women and Sport in the context of how children are conditioned by their recreational opportunities. The other main material is the transcript of Winsome McCaughey's Tribute to Maurie Crow at the memorial gathering held on May 8th 1988. Contents: Pages: 1. Community and Local Government 2. Winsome McCaughey's Tribute to Maurie Crow 4. Women and the Rural Environment. 5. Rural Families and The Cosy Cottage Project 9. "Freedom for Kids" ... (Adventure Playgrounds) 11. Women and Sport 12. VFT Awareness Groups Coalition 13. Articles from the Press in Albury and Horsham 14. Olympic Games Social Justice Group