In this issue: Pages: 1. News from the Crow Collection 2. Picking Winners : Melbourne's Urban Development Game (Ewan Ogilvy and Peter Higgs) 3. Bits and Pieces 4. "Defend and Create" - A Report on the Victorian Council of Social Services 1991 Conference (Ruth Crow) 5. Local Cultures (Extracts from ALR) 7. "Chatterbox Corner" in St. Albans (Joyce, a VUT student) 8. Westdoc and "Access to the West" (Brian Hubber, VUT Library) 8. West of the Maribyrnong 9. Living on the Left in the Cold War (Ruth Crow) 10. A Heavy Price for Her Beliefs (quote from Joan Kirner) 12. The Pope's Peace Message and the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) (Maurie Crow in 1966)