In this issue Sheila Byard (Hon.Sec. Crow Collection) and Ruth Crow (Co-ordinator of the Collection) have provided material on planning for the changing needs of elderly people. Ruth prepared some material for the Housing for Aged Action Group submission to the Industry Inquiry on Public Housing which held hearings in Melbourne in early September and is also preparing material for a community seminar which will be held in the Latrobe Valley in mid October. Contents of this issue: Pages: 1. An Invitation to Discuss Planning for Elderly People 2. Reports from International Conference held in Kobe - "Housing for the Aged, Cross National Perspective". 5. Old Age - Nothing so Unforeseen (Rick Mohr) 7. Community Housing? Public Housing? What's in a Name? (Submission to Industry Commission Inquiry) 11. Bits and Pieces - Mary Gilmore and Cosme, Aboriginal Children's Art 12. The Birth of Shop Committee (Tony Restarick) 13. Is Wealth a Well Spent Age? (Ann Woodruff)