This Ecoso is mainly a contribution to the exchange of ideas on 'What Sort of Society Do We Want?'. Hopefully, it may stimulate ideas on what sort of Education?, What sort of work-place ? What sort of community movements? An article about the Irish Famine raises questions about what sort of society we have today. Pages: 1. The Ideas Exchange Day - How You Can Participate 2. News from the Crow Collection 2. What Sort of Society? (Morag Loh, Jenny Lane) 3. What Sort of Work Place? Report on Out-work (FCTUA) 5. What Sort Of Education? (Centre for Public Education) 6. Sharing Insights On Learning (Quotes from Evelyn Crawford and Sylvia Ashton-Warner) 7. Women and Education (comparing/contrasting Grimshaw and Scutt) 8. Women Who Campaigned for a Better Life (Ruth crow) 10. Update on the Halifax EcoCity, Adelaide (Sheila Byard) 10. A Reminder About the U.N. Habitat 2 Conference 11. The Great Irish Famine (Val Noone) 12. Ecoso Guidelines