The article investigates interior point rules which contain the midpoint as a special case, and obtains explicit bounds through the use of a Peano kernel approach and the modern theory of inequalities. Thus the simplest open Newton-Cotes rules are examined. Both Riemann-Stieltjes and Riemann integrals are evaluated with a variety of assumptions about the integrand enabling the characterisation of the bound in terms of a variety of norms. Perturbed quadrature rules are obtained through the use of Grüss, Chebychev and Lupaş inequalities, producing a variety of tighter bounds. The implementation is demonstrated through the investigation of a variety of composite rules based on inequalities developed. The analysis allows the determination of the partition required that would assure that the accuracy the result would be within a prescribed error tolerance. It is demonstrated that the bounds of the approximations are equivalent to those obtained from a Peano kernel that produces Trapezoidal type rules.