Ocean Power Technology Project is an innovative technology for generating green energy at
low cost, with minimum pollution and producing electrical power from enormous quantities
of dependable renewable energy which is available throughout the world in abundance in the
form of ocean waves.
An experimental 20kW power system project using Ocean Wave Technology has been build
by Powercor Australia at Portland Victoria. This experimental power system consists of a
permanent magnet generator, step up and down transformers, submarine cables and a set of
inverters and together it supplies 2 0 k W for the loads that is mainly connected to the remote
area power system.
This research project has been generated to analyse and develop the protection of variable
frequency A C systems. Design and simulations are carried out on a computer using
M A T L A B algorithmic language software package and Power System Blockset. The
mathematical model comprises of permanent magnet generator SIMULINK model,
transmission lines, transformers, rectifiers, load buses, etc. The simulation made is to
investigate the behaviour of the system during steady state, low and high load simulation is
made to investigate the maximum possible output of the generators under overload conditions
and fault studies. Consequently, the simulation is obtained by using a set of characteristic of
parameters of protection system in order to implement it on a microprocessor based circuit