This study was concerned with determining the competencies required and the subsequent education needed for the implementation of inclusive practices within the park and recreation industry. With 3.6 million people or 19 percent of its total population possessing a disability, Australia is experiencing a transformation of its programs and practices as they relate to the inclusion of people with disabilities. Especially noteworthy is the impact that inclusion is having on the park and recreation industry. In order for park and recreation professionals to achieve a cutting edge standard of service delivery to people of all abilities, a study was undertaken to determine the skills, ability and knowledge that are needed to ensure inclusive practices. Parks and Leisure Australia agreed, through its National Board of Directors, for its members to serve as participants in this study. The data analysed to obtain the results of the study was gathered from a questionnaire that was mailed to a random sample of eight hundred Parks and Leisure Australia members. It sought information in the following areas: • The importance of competencies to park and recreation professionals' jobs for including people with disabilities. • The level of perceived competence park and recreation professionals possess for including people with disabilities. • The professional development needed by park and recreation professionals for implementation of inclusive practices. This study examined the results of a needs assessment of Parks and Leisure Australia members and provides a list of recommendations for continuing education programs that will assist the park and recreation industry to break down existing barriers to inclusive practice. The results of this study will provide important opportunities for the enhancement of the professional development requirements of modern day park and recreation professionals and the promotion of the rights of people with disabilities and their families.