In Australia the use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement material (RAP) is increasing. Cold recycling has advantages over other recycling processes and conventional paving methods, making it a viable, cost-effective technique which preserves natural resources and reduces energy costs. The service life of RAP is known to be affected by the type and amount of recycling binder, compaction effort, curing time and temperature, amount of new aggregate and water content. Laboratory test procedures and/or in-situ tests are needed to assess the effects. This project aims at finding a method for laboratory sample preparation for cold recycled asphalt which will produce specimens, in the shortest time, having properties similar to those of material laid in the field. In Phase One of the testing procedure the amount of new binder needed and the target compaction density were determined, and in Phase Two the curing temperature that accelerates the rejuvenating action to produce a higher resilient modulus in the shortest time was investigated. Specimens were cured at different temperatures and tested for resilient modulus. Core specimens were to be taken from cold recycled asphalt pavements for comparison, but this did not eventuate due to time constraints and the expense involved. It was found that maximum resilient modulus was obtained at 90°C after 24 hours curing, but a curing temperature of 60°C is recommended as it is more economical than 90°C, and because other asphalt tests (creep and Marshall stability) are performed at 60°C, making this temperature more practical. At the higher temperatures, resilient modulus increased rapidly in the early stages of the curing process but at room temperature, specimens required 2 weeks curing in order to be tested. After 24 hours curing, no significant change in viscosity was observed at any temperature, but viscosity increased thereafter with time and more so at higher temperature.