In engineering systems there is generally two classes of knowledge: objective knowledge, which can be quantified using the laws of traditional mathematics, and subjective or intelligent knowledge, that cannot be modeled mathematically but can be expressed in linguistical terms. Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a method that combines these two forms of knowledge, and as such provides a powerful tool for solving real engineering problems. A fuzzy logic system (FLS) is the methodology of applying FL to engineering systems. In general, a FLS can be considered as a non-linear mapping of crisp (firm) input data to crisp output data. It is the inclusion of subjective knowledge in a FLS that leads to a plethora of mapping possibilities, which may not be possible using traditional mathematical modeling techniques. A fuzzy logic system consists of four main elements: fuzzification, rule based, inference engine and deffuzification. Fuzzy logic has been successfully adopted in many real-world automatic control systems including automobile transmission, subway systems, industrial robots, washing machines, cameras and air-conditioners. In contrast, the utilization of fuzzy logic in mobile communications systems is recent and limited. Understanding general mobile communications is essential in order to go on and develop a mobile positioning application. The successful applications of Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) techniques in many areas draw a huge amount of attention to its industrial applications. However, lack of structured methods and tools for design and analysis is preventing this revolutionary controller from playing a more significant role in mobile communications. A methodology to construct and analyse a FL controller to be used in mobile positioning would significantly improve the efficiency of FLC design, increase the quality of FLC by allowing the designer to develop and design the controller based on some specifications and requirements, and then validate that design.