The research work described in this dissertation focuses on the investigation of the extraction of Cd(II) and Cu(II) from hydrochloric acid solutions using Aliquat 336 in Shellsol A B solvent and Aliquat 336/PVC membranes. In the solvent extraction study, factors that affect the extraction rate, such as the extractant concentration in the organic phase, the chloride ion concentration in the aqueous phase and extraction time were investigated. T w o phase titration method was used to investigate the distribution of the metal complexes, stoichiometry of the extracted complexes and the equilibrium constants of extraction reactions. In the membrane extraction study, extraction rates and capacities of the membrane were studied as functions of major variables such as the concentration of Aliquat 336 in the membrane and the thickness of the membrane. Mathematical modeling was used to calculate the extraction kinetic rate constants and the diffusion coefficients of the metal complexes in the membrane. The possibility of using the Aliquat 336/PVC membrane to concentrate Cd(II) from a feed solution into a receiver solution was explored for the first time in this work.