This paper reports on five state-based forums conducted as part of the initial phase of the Supporting VET providers in building capability for the future consortium research program. Designed to listen to the voices and ‘feel the pulse’ of a cross-section of those most closely involved in the sector, these five forums offered participants the opportunity to explore how various challenges and imperatives facing VET in Australia were likely to impact on Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and their practices over the next three to five years. While many participants reported the negative impact of ongoing and significant change in the sector, there were also positive views of committed, hard working and innovative people, and client-focused, responsive and productive organisations. In considering how their organisations might best position themselves to meet demands in the near future, forum participants described new structures, new ways of working and innovative strategies for renewing RTO workforces. Building on from existing good practice, participants envisaged increasing flexibility in whole-of-organisation structures, enhanced collaboration and strategic workforce planning as key elements in RTO capability.