This was a qualitative, single case study that investigated the operational and relational dynamics of a multifaceted change process within a large Australian company. The Company had an extremely complex organisation and supply-chain structure and often its entities were severely impacted by change in a number of different ways, at various levels within the organisation. This set in play a cause and effect scenario of dysfunctional events resulting in supply-chain procedural anomalies and operational inefficiencies. The literature revealed other industry types were also susceptible to change and had suffered operational inefficiencies as a result. This study adopted a multi-theoretical approach to explore the complexity of organisation change with a number of paradigms used to guide the data collection and analysis processes. Moreover, the study combined qualitative case study and systems analysis and design (SA&D) methods in the research design, which added to the quality and reliability of the research findings. The data analysis methods used included triangulation and conceptual modelling.