This thesis investigates the impact of ICT on the learning outcomes for Learning Disabilities (LD) or special needs students, in a special school setting. The literature reported a significant prevalence of LD universally, ranging from physical and mild to extreme disabilities. It highlighted that there are a significant number of students with learning disabilities who require assistance and support in their learning. Assistive technology plays a significant role for educators and students with learning disabilities in facilitating the learning outcomes. The Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a major part in shaping the knowledge and skills of LD students. Assistive technology has introduced awareness for both educators and students and, for the past decade, there has been a growing effort in designing and developing ICT based platforms to enhance the learning outcomes of these students. With the emergence of new technologies like Web 2.0, the need to design appropriate tools and provide an environment that is conducive to successful learning is stronger. This thesis examines the various teaching methodologies and ICT innovation in a holistic way. The literature shows that although there are some studies that investigate the impact of technology on the learning for special needs students, most of the data are second source. This study presents results from participant observations in two outer suburban special schools with students aged between 14-18 years, and in addition, examines the role and impact of Education Department policies on the schools‘ ICT environment. These observations are compared with a study based on an individual case of a student from Prep to Year 12 and TAFE. This study identified different categories of special needs students who were catered for in these special schools. These ranged from students with physical or cognitive disabilities, to mainstream students placed temporarily in a hospital. The latter group received ICT support to continue their studies which is now facilitated through a virtual classroom environment.