This paper deals with the dynamic behaviour of stacked packaging units when subjected to vertical vibrational inputs as experienced in transport vehicles. Although the vibrational performance of single-unit packaging systems has been thoroughly studied, the behaviour of stacked packaging units is not fully understood. The complexity of the problem is compounded when the effects of vertical restraints are taken into account. The paper presents the development of a numerical computer model designed to predict the dynamic response of stacked package systems when subjected to vertical vibrational excitation. Provisions have been made to account for the effects of vertical restraint tension and stiffness. In addition, a physical model representative of a generic stacked packaging system has been developed to assist in validating the numerical model. The paper includes results from preliminary experiments in which the frequency response functions of the models were evaluated and compared. The validity of the numerical model in the time domain was tested using random burst excitation signals. These preliminary experiments reveal that, when the effects of frictional damping are taken into account, the numerical model can be used to generate reasonably accurate predications of the dynamic behaviour of the equivalent physical system.