Literature on organisational structures and cultures suggests that for organisations to successfully meet the demands of their ever-changing environment, they will need to be flexible, adaptable, agile and responsive. Teamwork and other structural innovations that overcome the limitations of the traditional bureaucratic form are seen as ways of the future. In concert with this changing view of structures, the focus of organisational change is moving from ‘planning change’ to ‘facilitating emergence of change’- transforming cultures rather than conforming or reforming them. This paper reports on Research Activity 4 Assessing the impact of cultures and structures on individual and organisational capability in the consortium research program Supporting VET providers in building capability for the future. Using individual interviews with managers and group interviews with work teams, this study examined the ways in which diverse cultures and various structural configurations influence the capability of both work teams and organisations. The paper provides examples of how ten RTOs are adapting their structures and transforming their cultures to better address government, industry and community demands.