The introduction into the Australian vocational education and training (VET) sector of a national training framework (NTF) occasioned the need for extensive and practical professional development of staff within the sector. A major, nationwide initiative to this end was the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) sponsored program, Framing the Future. This program aimed to meet the needs of VET professionals to keep up to date with the changes in the VET system, and to do so by means of work based learning projects. The program was grounded in the belief that encouraging VET practitioners to take responsibility for their own learning needs would empower them to cope with these changes. In March 2001 it was proposed that Framing the Future be expanded beyond its staff development brief to be a more comprehensive, national support program assisting the VET sector in change management, policy engagement, networking, research and information services. (Mitchell & Young, 2001) Thus it was that the project’s objectives were expanded and, adopting the title of Mitchell’s report into the project’s long-term impacts, it was re-badged as Reframing the Future. Mitchell, 2000)