This study examined the learning styles and reading achievement characteristics of Saudi Arabian preparatory schools students. The key aim of the research is to provide additional information regarding teaching and learning that warrant consideration in the continuing efforts to improve the reading skills of Saudi school students. The sample comprised Arabic language teachers and grade seven and eight students in Jeddah City. Students completed the VARK younger version questionnaire and the Teaching Reading Strategies Questionnaire (TRSQ). Teachers also completed the teacher version of the TRSQ and the Reading Achievement Assessment Form (RAAF). A pilot study was conducted to examine the reliability of all measures following translation into the Arabic language. The main study was conducted in three phases of data collection. In the first phase 16 teachers used the RAAF to assess the reading achievement of 602 students and also provided the researcher with these students’ reading scores for the first term (FT) of 16 weeks. A cohort of 399 students was selected on the basis of their achievement in reading (high or low) to participate in the second phase of study. They responded to the TRSQ (students form) and the VARK to determine the reading teaching strategies they prefer and their preferred learning styles. In the last phase, the 16 teachers completed the TRSQ to detail the teaching strategies they typically adopt in their teaching of reading.