Depression is among the most common mental disorders in young Australians. Through evolving theory two depression subtypes, sociotropic (anaclitic) and autonomy (introjective), have emerged. Attachment and intimacy have also been implicated as important to mental health in young adults, and vulnerability to depression has been linked to intimacy, sociotropy, autonomy and attachment. Therefore the aim of the current study was to examine depression in relation to attachment, intimacy, autonomy and sociotropy in young adulthood, in a clinical and community sample. In this context the study also aimed to explore ‘experience of intimacy’ in young adults (given Erikson’s psychosocial model implicating its importance), and its relation to attachment and depression. Further, based on theory of Holmes about the way autonomy and intimacy relate, the study aimed to examine this relationship. There has been limited research exploring all these variables together in the context of depression.