TPP 12-6-2013. Verified, 28.6.13-MMM. Yellow in Sherpa: Author's Pre-print: author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing), Author's Post-print: subject to Restrictions below, author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) Restrictions: 12 month embargo for STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Journals, 18 month embargo for SSH journals, Publisher's Version/PDF: author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF, Requested (Julie) post-print & permission, 27.8.13-MMM. Received wrong file, explainatin of Post-print and requesting again the Post-print and signed permission form, 20.9.13-MMM. Julies has signed permission form, but indicated that she does not have Post-Print version, 24.9.13-MMM. Supporting documentation added to dark upload - HD 13/6/18