The ‘Keeping Connected’ project was a three year project (2006-2009) co-funded by the Australian Research Council and The Royal Children’s Hospital Education Institute. Its focus was on young people who experience chronic illness-related interruptions to their schooling. Its aims were to make visible the young people, their experiences, voices, and concerns, and to explore the ways in which they were being supported or hampered in various aspects of their education trajectories. The project brought together a large multi-disciplinary research team working in collaboration with the RCH Education Institute with the aim of achieving a better understanding of issues related to the support and engagement of young people living and learning with ongoing health conditions. Who and what do young people feel is important in creating, strengthening, and maintaining educational and social connections in their lives? What do parents feel are significant supports or challenges for young people (and their families) experiencing interrupted schooling due to ongoing health issues? What do education and health care professionals see as key areas of focus in supporting young people to maintain social and educational connections? This report highlights the clear and pressing need for a system of advocacy on the part of young people and families within both health and education systems—and between schools and hospitals. The Royal Children’s Hospital Education Institute is well positioned to influence policy and practice across these sectors.