A mashup is an integrated Application Programming Interface (API) that combines data from different data sources or third party web services. In recent years, mashups have been implemented to enhance information management in many web applications. Mashups provide a combined API that is both technologically valid and compatible with other web applications, allowing them to provide customized solutions to business end users through rapid data and service combination. Traditionally portal architectures aggregate content but have limitations which mashup solutions can overcome. We propose an alternative service development approach to the distributed architecture of web portals, using a mashup technique. We show how a generic design based around web service architectures can better meet end user needs, and how customized solutions can readily be built for business problems. Prototype mashup applications, developed through action research, were evaluated favorably for usefulness, speed and ease of use by both technical and business representative users. --5th Annual Conference on Information Systems Applied Research (CONISAR) was held: Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1-4 November 2012.