This paper discusses the use of a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in the context of a Youth Justice Residential school setting in New Zealand (NZ). The school does not currently have a method of screening for educational purposes and, more specifically, key competencies. The use of the SDQ as a tool to support the educational principle was considered in response to professional development at Massey University, and the emergence of Ka Hikitia “Managing for Success” (Ministry of Education, 2008). This paper outlines the institutional setting and the rationale for using the SDQ to support key competencies, provides some examples of research using the SDQ, and finally investigates and illustrates this institutional process of using a strengths-based emotional assessment tool with an individual student. The project, whilst in its infancy, suggests that the SDQ could be a valuable instrument in supporting the development of key competencies for vulnerable young people, as it promotes the young person’s perceptions of their skills and encourages practitioners to view students’ strengths. More extensive research, in practice settings, should be done to develop exemplars that link with key competencies. Further, the SDQ needs to have more extensive piloting and norms developed for New Zealand to promote educational solutions for encouraging student successes and key competencies.