The research is aimed at investigating the use of pattem recognition techniques to detennine the location ofa number of mobiles within a large operational area. The paper examines current techniques for tracking the position of mobiles and discusses their advantages and limitations. These include DGPS, Inertial sensors, RADAR, Laser Ranging systems and 2-D infrared systems. The project is initially focused on tracking the location of container carrying vehicles with sub-meter accuracy over large areas typically in excess of 30 Hectares. The main feature of the concept is that it does not rely on vehicle-mounted active (powered) components. Tracking is achieved purely by recognising coded patterns (Le. fiducial markers attached to each vehicle) in video images. An additional significant outcome of the research is that it will enable the position of a large number of mobiles to be dotennined simultaneously and at short time intervals. The paper presents the outcomes of the initial stages of the research and identifies the parameters critical to the performance of the system. Potentially the research may find applications in fields such as mining, manufacturing and distribution, where the position of moving objects needs to be remotely tracked non-intrusively.