This article presents a report on an investigation into the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to aid in the education of students with Learning Disabilities. The study was framed by the use of actor-network theory. The term ‘Learning Difficulties’ (sometimes also referred to as Special Needs) is used in reference to a large heterogeneous group of students who are seen to have significant difficulties in the acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills and need extra assistance with schooling. Another more specific term is ‘Learning Disabilities’ that refers to the sub-set of students who constitute a small sub-group that exhibit severe and unexplained problems. The reported study involved case studies and participant observation of the use of ICT in two outer suburban Special Schools in Melbourne, and an investigation of the role and impact of Education Department policies on these school environments. Research at the two Special Schools revealed that use of ICT can have a very beneficial impact on these students by improving their self-esteem and facilitating their acquisition of useful life skills.