Whole Body Vibration training is studied and used in different
areas, related to sport performan
ce and rehabilitation. However,
few studies have investigated
the effects of Vibration (Vib)
exposure on aerobic performance
through the application of
this concept to cycling exercise. A specifically designed vibrat-
ing cycloergometer, the
was used to compare
the effects of Vib cycling exer
cise and normal cycling on dif-
ferent physiological parameters
during maximal graded exer-
cise test. Twelve
recreationally active male adults (25 ± 4.8 yrs;
181.33 ± 5.47 cm; 80.66 ± 11.91
kg) performed two maximal
incremental cycling tests with and without Vib in a block-
randomized order.
The protocol consisted of a 4 min warm up
at 70 rev·min
followed by incremental steps of 3 min each.
Cycling cadence was increased at each step by 10 rev·min
until participants reached their volitional exhaustion. Respira-
tory gases (VO
), Heart Rate, Blood Lactate and RPE
were collected during the test. Paired t-tests and Correlation
Coefficients were used for statistical analysis. A significantly
greater (P<0.05) response in the VO
, HR, BLa and RPE was
observed during the Vib trial compare to normal cycling. No
significant differences were
found in the maximal aerobic
power (Vib 34.32 ± 9.70 ml·kg
; no Vib 40.11 ± 9.49
). Adding Vib to cycling exercise seems eliciting
a quicker energetic demand durin
g maximal exerci
se. However,
mechanical limitations of the
vibrating prototype could have
affected the final outcomes. Future studies with more compara-
tive setting are recommended to d
eeply appraise this concept.