This thesis places the 1989 Australian domestic pilots and airlines dispute in the context of pilot industrial relations 'norms', pilot industrial relations history and the political and economic environment. The aim is to gain a greater understanding of the 1989 dispute and to answer questions such as whether the dispute stood out from its context as an inexplicable development. It was discovered that the reasons behind the dispute went well beyond the AFAP claim for a 29.47% salary increase. The dispute built up over a lengthy period and can only be properly understood by considering: - the nature of the pilot community and pilot militancy, - the history of pilot industrial relations, - pilot bargaining patterns, - the individuals involved in pilot industrial relations, - the impact of the Accord on pilot bargaining, - the interventionist approach of labor governments to pilot industrial relations, - the roles of the ACTU and the AIRC, - the impact of neo-corporatism in the Australian industrial relations system, - the impact of aviation deregulation, - the impact of economic fortunes, - any many others... Pilot industrial relations and salary determination will be considered in the period since the Whitlam Government, with reference to the parties, the influences upon them and the environment in which their relationships were conducted. Emphasis will be given to the implications for and of the 1989 dispute. Observations shall also be made about the future of pilot industrial relations.