The aims of this conceptual paper are to explore how big screens might be deployed in the events sector in the future, explore the issue that may emerge from their diffusion, and propose a research agenda for their study within this context. Research questions driving this analysis were: In what ways is the big screen currently being used at special events? How might big screens be used at special events in the future? What research is required to assist the event sector to take advantage of the big screen? A brief history of the big screen is provided, and a range of possible issues resulting from the diffusion of the big screen in the event sector are posed. These issues include dispersing the main spectacle; increasing access to events; increasing the reach of sponsorship to new audiences; creating a sense of community; cannibalising the market; and crowd safety in public spaces at satellite events. A series of questions posed through the course of this paper provide the impetus for various lines of inquiry on the topic.