This paper presents and discusses the design of a problem based learning approach that seeks to embed industrial knowledge in the curriculum. It describes a project currently underway that is developing a business reference model using Process Engineering techniques. This reference model is being implemented in the leading Enterprise-wide System (also known as Enterprise Resource Planning System) SAP R/3. Teaching cases are being developed through collaboration between universities and industry. These teaching cases are to be available for use in the IS curriculum, irrespective of which faculty in which this curriculum is found. The teaching cases will also be available for wide distribution. This paper argues that this approach is in alignment with the recommendations of key curriculum documents and educational approaches. It also argues that the resultant teaching cases will be attractive to students, meet the current requirements of industry while maintaining the focus on education and the fundamentals of the IS Curriculum. This paper is the result of collaborative activity of two Australian Universities and one American University seeking to develop appropriate curriculum material and working collaboratively with other universities.