With the rapid urban growth and development, the quality of green space available is consequently been degrading. Furthermore, many land characteristics have been altered such that the whole water cycle has been significantly changed. Some of the considerable adverse effects occur by these changes include the increase of runoff which can lead to flooding and the poor quality of receiving waters. Therefore, to improve the quality of the prevailing surface conditions whilst managing the stormwater, Green Infrastructure (GI) have been introduced which is becoming one of the promising practices of restoring the natural environment across many countries around the world. The term GI in the literature is commonly referred as Low Impact Development (LID), Best Management Practices (BMP), Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUSD), Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Low Impact Urban Design and Development (LIUDD) in different contexts (Eliot and Trowsdale, 2006). GI in broader terms can be defined as an "interconnected network of green space that conserves natural systems and provides assorted benefits to human populations" (McMahon and Benedict, 2006). GI can be grouped into two main categories structural and non-structural. The former include green roofs, rainwater tanks, wetlands, bio swales, pervious pavement, stormwater detention systems, planter boxes, cisterns, rain barrels and downspout disconnection amongst others. Nonstructural GI is designing the buildings or roads to minimize the imperviousness, improvement of the infiltration ability of soils by amending the properties and improving the vegetation of specific site or region. (Eliot and Trowsdale, 2006)