Victoria University (VU) is a dual sector university that has two schools of engineering, Electrical Engineering (EE) and Architectural, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ACME). Both schools introduced Problem Based learning (PBL) into their programs in 2006 (Simcock et al, 2007). The student population includes a wide range of socio-cultural, linguistic and ethnic backgrounds. Language development for engineering students is a key component. Some of the essential attributes for engineering graduates are: good interpersonal and communication skills – both transmitting and receiving information; ability to interact with other disciplines and cultures; and well-developed capacity for self-directed, lifelong learning (Engineers Australia Accreditation Board, 2005). Staff should be role models and, as language and communication are such integral components of the PBL approach, it is imperative that the students should see appropriate levels of expertise in all staff, thereby reinforcing the view that language is not just an adjunct to the technical component. --AaeE conference held: Melbourne, 9-13 December, 2007