Competency Based Training focuses on the acquisition of work related competencies. This study examines the acquisition of such competencies and it investigates students’ progress in the direction of their career goals and personal aspirations when a humanistic/student centred approach to teaching is used in a Competency-Based program. Nineteen students in Certificate III, Community Services Education (Aged Care Work) participated in the study. Information was collected during the 17-week program, three and six months after the program. The methodology for the study was derived from the Theory of Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) as presented by George Kelly (1955/1991). The theory of PCP acknowledges individuals as responsible, active and meaning seeking agents who are open to change and to personal development. The theory also proposes active participation between researcher and respondents. In the study therefore, the respondents became co-researchers who monitored and interpreted their constructs systems. Through their stories and personal reflections the study monitored their progress in becoming “the person that I would like to be”.