This study employed a mixed methods approach aimed at developing and validating a set of scales to measure the classroom assessment literacy development of instructors. Four scales were developed (i.e. Classroom Assessment Knowledge, Innovative Methods, Grading Bias and Quality Procedure). The first scale was a multiple-choice test designed to measure the assessment knowledge base of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) tertiary instructors in Cambodia, whereas the latter three scales were constructed to examine their assessment-related personal beliefs (using a series of rating scale items). One hundred and eight instructors completed the classroom assessment knowledge test and the beliefs survey. Both classical and item response theory analyses indicated that each of these four scales had satisfactory measurement properties. To explore the relationship among the four measures of classroom assessment literacy, a one-factor congeneric model was tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results of the CFA indicated that a one-factor congeneric model served well as a measure of the single latent Classroom Assessment Literacy construct. In addition to the survey, in-depth, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with six of the survey participants. The departments‟ assessment-related policies and their learning goals documents were also analysed. The qualitative phase of the study was used to further explore the assessment related knowledge of the instructors (in terms of knowledge and understanding of the concepts of validity and reliability) as well as their notions of an ideal assessment, their perceived assessment competence, and how this related to classroom assessment literacy. Overall, the results in both phases of the study highlighted that the instructors demonstrated limited classroom assessment literacy, which had a negative impact on their actual assessment implementation. Instructors‟ background characteristics were found to have an impact on their classroom assessment literacy. The findings had direct implications for assessment policy development in tertiary education settings as well as curriculum development for pre- and in-service teacher education programmes within developing countries.