In this article, I argue that globalization harms women, and that it does so in gender-specific ways. Further, as globalization contains many elements of violence and violation in its systemic targeting of the poorest members of society, because women are the poorest members of society, they are also negatively affected through poverty. I discuss the impact of globalization on women working in export processing zones in poor countries and in the service sector in rich nations. I examine the impact of globalization on Indigenous women, in particular on their knowledge systems, and on women working in primary production. Finally, I draw some comparisons between the bodilessness of global cyberculture and its impact on those framing a disembodied postmodern feminist response, while at the same time the Internet is used to exploit women further through making them continuously accessible to mobile men. I link this phenomenon with the commodification of women’s bodies through the export of women for prostitution and for domestic labor. Finally, I suggest some broad outlines of ways in which feminists could engage in a philosophy of connection and through the development of a wild politics: a politics enlivened and inspired by biodiversity.