Contents: Mrs Thatcher visits Indonesia -- Courts try crippled survivors of Tanjung Priok Massacre -- The Tanjung Priok Four get heavy sentences -- Mulya Lubis refused exit permit -- Defendants forced to replace lawyers -- "Don't let the butcher us" says Buyung Nasution -- -- OPM leader on the military situation in Merauke -- Australian Foreign Minister prevented from visiting refugees -- A political trial to cover up a murder -- University team critical of transmigration programme -- "Anti-guerrilla" squads take to the streets -- Salman Hafidz executed by firing squad -- Many periodicals closed down -- Afraid of their own history -- The coconut symbol in Marihat Raya Village -- How to achieve box-office success Supplement: Repression and resistance in East Timor since August 1983 -- Setback for East Timor at the UN Human Rights Commission -- Fretilin forces surround Soibada for three days -- East Timor church leader accuses Indonesians of massacre in Kraras -- Terror in Kraras and Vikeke -- East Timor political prisoners now in jail in Java -- Four NGOs complain to the UN Human Rights Commission -- W. German parliamentarians call for free access to East Timor