The project fills an important gap in the evidence in terms of barriers and facilitators to help-seeking among young African migrants, their family and communities. The findings of this report can be used by a variety of relevant stakeholders, including recently arrived migrant communities and services, health care providers, and policy makers. Community: - Parents have poor mental health literacy about how to address mental health and alcohol and drug issues in their son or daughter. - Parents were often unsure how to approach the issues without creating conflict with their son or daughter. - High levels of stigma related to mental health and alcohol and drug problems were commonly reported, which was a significant obstacle to seeking professional help. - Differing levels of community connection meant some recently arrived communities lacked the necessary social capital to support young people. Health care providers: - There was limited awareness of available mental health and alcohol and drug specific services, particularly among parents. - Parental concerns around the cultural competency of health professionals meant this form of support may not be viewed as a viable or preferred option. - The financial cost of accessing and receiving professional treatment was identified as a barrier to help-seeking. Policy makers: - Migrant communities welcomed the opportunity to come together and talk about health-related issues affecting young people and the difficulties their parents may have around having a conversation with young people about mental health and alcohol and drug problems. - The health promotion resource has the potential to normalise difficulties encountered by parents when parenting their son or daughter in a new cultural context and to discuss topics that carry significant stigma. - The resource was well received and was considered helpful, relevant and appropriate.