Sensitivity of the pineal hormone melatonin to bright light at night has been proposed as a putative marker of bipolar affective disorder. Patients with bipolar disorder have a super-sensitive melatonin response to light. No studies have investigated whether super-sensitivity is due to agents used to treat the illness or is associated with the disorder per se. We investigated the effect of valproate on this phenomenon. Melatonin sensitivity to light was determined on two nights in 12 healthy volunteers (5M, 7F). Between testing nights participants received 200 mg of valproate b.d. for 5 days. Valproate significantly decreased the sensitivity of melatonin to light. On the other hand, valproate had no effect on overall melatonin secretion or dim light melatonin onset. The ability of valproate to decrease the sensitivity of melatonin to light may relate to its therapeutic effect in bipolar disorder—an ability to lengthen circadian period similar to that of lithium.