category c1 Refereed Journal Article HERDC/ERA 2008/2009 pt.18/9/10; Having a lot of trouble finding this, even with google search found the following information, but no mention of a website. here is the URL for the below information "Indian Econometric Society Periodicity: Bi-Annual Editor: A. L. Nagar Address: Managing Editor, JQE,Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Gen. A.K. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon, Mumbai-400 065 Telephone: +91 22 2840 0919 Fax: Email ID: Website:" tpp 6-4-2011. In VUROPS RESPubID12528 (as above) document attached is: New Asian regionalism: evidence on the impact of the Asian +3 free trade agreement on its member countries. 13.04.11-MMM. verd 01.12.11-MMM