category c1 Refereed Journal Article HERDC/ERA 2008/2009 pt.18/9/10. Can archive pre-print (This does not include Cell Press or Lancet) and can archive post-print. 14/4/11hd. e-mail sent to author 19.04.11-MMM. Email forwarded to Mark A-R for following up, 26.7.12-MMM. Email sent to Mark A-R for following up version (Nicola only wants post-print when allow by publisher) version she sent is a pre-print, 11.10.12-MMM. Mark response: to add the pre-print since the publisher allows it, 12.10.12-MMM. I have now taken down (restricted to staff only) as per Mark request (email 23 Oct '12 in DocStore), 23.10.12-MMM