Green in Sherpa: author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing). author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing). author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF. Authors retain copyright Pre-print on any website Author's post-print on author's personal website, departmental website, institutional website or institutional repository On other repositories including PubMed Central after 12 months embargo Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used.... Q2ask re:full-text..(Clean Copy??? is it pre-print or post print???) .8.2.16---MMM. Clean copy is the Accepted version as per Lyn, 3.3.16-MMM. Not the accepted v. when comparing with published v. some differences (pre-print), 31.5.16--MMM. --- Requested accepted v (Grace), 11.11.16--MMM